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5 Aspects of Restaurant Interior Design in Toronto

by JYC

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Toronto has over 700 Chinese restaurants. Due to the competitiveness of the industry, in order to stand out from competitors, it’s not enough to just have a tasty menu; the location, branding, and design of the restaurant all play a significant role in the realized success of a restaurant.

The interior design of a restaurant is often associated with its style of cuisine and pricing structure. However, no matter the design or style, it is crucial to have professionals to help with designing the layout of the store, kitchen planning, plumbing and smoke lines, etc. It is not recommended to do everything yourself as a means to save money at this stage of the planning and the designing process, as it would lead to future distress and consequences if a problem occurs.

Generally speaking, interior design for restaurants versus residential units are very different. In terms of overall functionality, residential designs only need to consider resident’s living habits, storage utilities, visual aesthetics, etc; yet, for restaurants, it also needs to take into consideration customer comfort, the space and operational efficiency, and the various needs of both customers and staff. All this planning is to be implemented on the basis of maximizing the Ping Efficiency of the restaurant. After all, this will directly contribute to the restaurant’s revenue.

Ping Efficiency (sales per square meter) is the revenue generated per square meter of a restaurant on a monthly, weekly or even daily basis. In other words, if “Per Capita Efficiency” is a test of the restaurant owner’s ability to allocate staff resources, then “Ping Efficiency” is the test of how effective the whole restaurant is in its operation. Here are some formulas to consider.

Ping Efficiency = Sales/Store Area in Square Meter

Average Daily Ping Efficiency = Daily Sales/Store Area in Square Meter

Average Monthly Ping Efficiency = Monthly Sales/Store Area in Square Meter


The establishment of a restaurant is not only about management and architectural design; kitchen equipment, the use of space, water, electricity and energy facilities and supply, ventilation, sanitation, and fire safety are all important aspects to consider when building a restaurant. In fact, a restaurant is known to be one of the most complex “living” spaces in terms of design, and involves the most extensive professional and technical support. Due of the need to be cautious when planning and designing a restaurant, JY Construction helps all current and prospective owners by highlights five important aspects of planning and designing a restaurant:

1. The Importance of Smart Space Usage

A smooth interior layout will help increase team efficiency while bringing better service and customer experience. In recent years, there have been more and more fast-food restaurants in Toronto with small storefronts and limited space, but their businesses are doing very well because they know the importance of smart use of space. By using their space efficiently, they can provide customers with excellent user experiences while maximizing their floor space.

As a result, flood layout and movement circulation are the primary considerations for commercial designers, and they are the key to the success of the restaurant, which is known as the “aesthetic functionality” that JY Construction has emphasized.

2. Concealed Works

Draining, waterproofing, smoke exhaust, etc. these are hidden works that aren’t visible on the surface in restaurants, but greatly affect the usage of space. The front of the restaurant is often relatively easy to modify, but back kitchen modification projects are bigger, take longer and are more expensive, so the details of the concealed works must be put in place to avoid future unnecessary works with subsequent modifications.

3. The Use of Brand Effect

In addition to creating a comfortable atmosphere, the interior design of the restaurant should also convey the culture, philosophy and product characteristics of the brand, thus leaving a greater impression in the minds of the guests.


4. Pay Close Attention to Local Construction Rules and Regulations

“When do I need to apply for a permit?”
“Do I need approval from the government?”
“Do I need to apply for anything in order to hire a contractor?”
“What kinds of rules and regulations do I need to pay attention to?”

It is very likely that you may run into all kinds of issues and problems during the renovation process. If you hire a team that is not familiar with local regulations, it will take time to look up the relevant information, which is time-consuming and costly. Additionally, the rules and approval processes associated with permits are fairly strict, which makes it crucial to hire a team with extensive knowledge and experience in this field to make sure the processes go smoothly.

If any modifications or renovations need to be made to the store, you need to receive the government’s approval. A Building Permit is a formal notice issued by the Ontario government to allow construction or demolition of a building in order to ensure that the building is safe, legal and meets community requirements.

5. Maintenance Services

Retail stores, offices, restaurants and other commercial establishments that need to be open almost every day tend to wear out their interior finishes and equipment extremely quickly. Thus, it is crucial that a renovation company is able to provide 24/7 maintenance services during the post-renovation phase of a restaurant project.

In Canada, before doing any renovations, you need to receive a government approved Building Permit, which can take quite some time. Choosing a professional, reliable commercial design and renovation team before starting the process. can reduce the complexity of the entire process and give the business a great start.

At JY Construction, we hope that you can utilize these five tips to your benefit and wish you all the best in opening up your own restaurant.

  • # Ping Efficiency
  • # Interior Design
  • # Commercial Renovation
  • # Toronto Construction
  • # Building Permit
  • # JY Construction

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